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Inaugural lecture and NorFam centre launch

Lagt online: 22.03.2023

Aalborg university and the Department of Law are delighted to welcome Jens M. Scherpe as Professor of Comparative Law In celebration of the appointment, the department of Law invites you to his inaugural lecture and the official launch of the Nordic Centre for Comparative and International Family Law (NorFam).


Inaugural lecture and NorFam centre launch

Lagt online: 22.03.2023

Aalborg university and the Department of Law are delighted to welcome Jens M. Scherpe as Professor of Comparative Law In celebration of the appointment, the department of Law invites you to his inaugural lecture and the official launch of the Nordic Centre for Comparative and International Family Law (NorFam).

27. April 3-5:45 pm + reception

Aalborg university and the Department of Law are delighted to welcome Jens M. Scherpe as Professor of Comparative Law 

In celebration of the appointment, the deparment of Law invites you to his inagural lecture and the official launch of the Nordic Centre for Comparative and International Family Law (NorFam)

3:00 pm
Welcome and introdution 
Rasmus Antoft, Dean, SSH Faculty, AAU

3:10 pm
Deparment of Law
Trine Schultz, Head of the Deparment of Law, AAU

3:20 pm
Jürgen Basedow, Max Planck Institut for Comparative and International Private Law
- Coffee Break -

4:30 pm
Welcome again
Jens M. Scherpe, AAU

4:35 pm
Nordic Family Law and Academia
Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, Uppsala University

4:55 pm
Law Reform and Comparative 
Nicholas Hopkins/Matthew Jolley Law Commission of England and Wales

5:10 pm
Mentoring in Legal Academia
Dafni Lima, Durham University

5:45 pm
Guests are welcome to attend one or both events. Please Register with reception@law.aau.dk before 11 april, indicating which of the event(s) you plan to attend. 

Download the flyer here

Download the flier here