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Prof. Anne Röthel joins NorFam’s Advisor Board

NorFam is delighted that Prof. Anne Roethel, Director at the Max Planck Institute for comparative and private international law in Hamburg/Germany, has agreed to join its Advisory Board.


Prof. Anne Röthel joins NorFam’s Advisor Board

NorFam is delighted that Prof. Anne Roethel, Director at the Max Planck Institute for comparative and private international law in Hamburg/Germany, has agreed to join its Advisory Board.

Prof. Röthel became Director at the Institute on 1 January 2024 and continues to be a Professor at the Bucerius Law School. Her main fields of research include the law of the person, family and succession law and law and society I a comparative perspective. NorFam is looking forward to working together with Prof. Röthel and the Max Planck Institute, one of the world’s leading institutions for comparative and private international law.